Keyless Entry Systems

Peninsula Keyless Entry Systems Solutions Exeter has teamed up with Paxton as its preferred manufacturer for the supply of Keyless Entry Systems, Door Entry Systems and associated products to be installed by Peninsula Keyless Entry Solutions.

Keyless EntryKeyless Entry Systems and Door Entry Systems otherwise known as access control systems. These are the most up to date technological equivalent of having to carry around several sets of keys. This allows you to control who and when has access to your premises. Traditionally locks and keys allow you to secure your building  but when keys are lost or stolen, the inconvenience and expense of changing locks and re-issuing keys can be considerable.  Keys may also be copied, creating even more security risks.

All businesses, whether small, medium or large, have assets that need to be protected from theft.  There is also the issue of protecting staff and their property.  It is common in buildings that are secured by locks and keys for doors to be left unlocked all day. This opens up the possibility of opportunist theft and malicious damage.

Keyless Entry Systems electronic access provides the most efficient and convenient way of securing your building and assets. Installing an access control system means that you will never have to change a lock again. Tokens are issued to allow access through the keyless entry systems controlled doors, and are easily barred from the system if they are lost, stolen or just not returned by someone who leaves your company.  Barred tokens will not allow access through the controlled doors.

Once a Keyless Entry access control system is installed, all doors controlled by the system will automatically lock when the door is closed.  Anyone without a code or access key is unable to enter. If necessary, doors may be set to unlock during a designated time frame.

Keyless Entry Systems can also offer flexible control over users’ access rights. For example, all staff can gain access through the main door of a building, but access to internal areas may be restricted to those who have a specific need to be there.  Access may also be restricted by time, only granting access to particular users at certain times of day or night.

“8 Great Reasons To Have A Keyless Entry Systems”

  1. Protect You Assets From Theft
  2. You Control Who, When & Where Employees Have AccessPaxton Keyless Entry Systems Warranty
  3. Don’t Waste Money Getting Keys Cut Or Risk Them Being Copied
  4. If The Electronic Keys Goes Missing Just Deactivate It
  5. You Don’t Need To Carry Around A Pocket Full Of Keys
  6. Paxton System Installed By Peninsula Come With A 5 Year Warranty
  7. Keyless Entry System Can Grow With Your Business Requirements
  8. Paxton Keyless Entry Systems Are Easy To Use And Administer

So whether you run a B&B, Hotel, Office, School or Factory imagine if you could get rid of having to issue keys, better still have the ability to track whose coming and going and control access to areas of your premises. Then we can help with the design and installation of the latest Keyless Entry Systems. So why not call us on 01392 444 757 or fill in our “free survey request form” or click here to e mail us and we’ll get in touch with you to arrange an appointment for your free no obligation Survey.